Body Language Master

This training is an extension of the Body Language Professional Training. The complete Master comprises five training days, of which the first two days contains the Body Language Professional curriculum.

Following the completion of the first two training days of the Body Language Professional, we move into a smaller group for three days where we’ll focus on increasing your knowledge and the strengthening of your skills. Central to this training is making the reading of body language second nature. Some Master alumni call it their ‘sixth sense’. As usual, everything is extremely interactive and practice-orientated. In the Master, practice is even more central to the training than before. Alongside more in-depth learning and an expansion of the theory, the Master contains special practice components to optimise your body language skills.


Dates And Times

The Body Language Master course comprises of three training days from 10:00 am to 16:30 pm.
Approximately a week before the training you’ll receive an e-mail with the final details.
*Due to many requests an extra Master has been scheduled. It will only go ahead with a sufficient number of complete registrations. You’ll receive confirmation 4 weeks before the training.


Content Of Training

In the Master, your knowledge of non-verbal communication will be comprehensively expanded upon from the hundred signals learned in the Professional, to around two hundred and fifty non-verbal signals and combinations thereof. You’ll learn how to move from translating body language into predicting and influencing behaviour. We go deeper into important components from this fascinating discipline such as profiling. Hereby you’ll learn how you can quickly make a personality analysis on the basis of non-verbal signals and for example the items that people carry with them such as a smartphone. In addition, you’ll learn to distinguish group roles with an eye on influencing and convincing. And we go deeper into incongrous and lie detection so that you can recognise these better in practice.

The Master comprises of a mix of in-depth theory and lots of practice. It contains special practical components that take place inside and outside.

Upon completion of the Master, you’ll receive a personal Master certificate. You can read more about this in the brochure.

More information
You can download the entire programme of the Master with explanations about the practical components and more information about the certification here.



Our prices do not have any small print and are ‘all-in’. That means, inclusive of lunch, drinks, snacks, certificate, reader, observation-notebook and access to the online platform. During the training days, you don’t need to worry about anything at all, we’ve arranged everything so that you can focus completely on the training itself. Due to being recognised by the Dutch Centraal Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs (CRKBO). All our training course are VAT exempt.
The costs for the Master are € 1.149,- VAT exempt

This includes:

  • Three days of training,
    incl. practicals with support
  • Lunch, drinks and snacks
  • Reader & observation notebook
  • Access to an online platform
  • Personal certificate
  • 0nline intake
  • Video lesson before the course
  • An extensive workbook
  • A private web page of practice material
  • Three months of tips, practices and challenges after the training
  • e-book
  • Int. best selling book

More information about accreditation, the certificate, claiming from the training budget of your employer and expense deductions from tax you’ll find in the brochure.

This is what our participants say

Hein Heijen

Academie voor Gedragskennis Expert Toegepaste Neuromarketing en Beïnvloedingspsychologie
Hein Heijen
Ik heb Denise twee keer gezien als spreker in het AFAS Theater. Denise is van kop tot teen een gepassioneerde vakvrouw. Ik ben onder de indruk van haar manier van presenteren; gestructureerd, overzichtelijk. De directe toepasbaarheid, op alle gebieden van zakelijk tot privé, is groot. Denise haar manier van presenteren is uniek, dynamisch en 'speels', ze is authentiek en congruent. Haar eigen bewuste en onbewuste lichaamstaal laat duidelijk zien: this girl walks her talks!

Jortijn Bijl

AFAS Marketing Manager
Jortijn Bijl
Ik heb een presentatie van Denise mogen bijwonen over body language en daarna een tweedaagse training gevolgd. Zowel de presentatie als de tweedaagse training hebben me al mooie handvatten gegeven om mijn dagelijks werk beter te kunnen doen! Daarnaast heeft Denise de capaciteit om soms ietwat moeilijke materie makkelijk en begrijpbaar uit te leggen, waardoor de theorie ook direct in de praktijk toe te passen is. Met body language ben je echter nooit uitgeleerd, vandaar dat ik ook haar vervolgtraining, de Master, zeer zeker ga volgen! Ik raad iedereen aan die op professioneel vlak contact heeft met mensen, trainingen of presentaties van Denise bij te wonen!

Huib Boissevain

Annexum CEO
Huib Boissevain
De cursus Body Language Professional is een echte aanrader! In twee dagen krijg je inzicht hoe beter te kijken naar de lichaamstaal van jezelf en anderen informatie geeft, hoe je overkomt en wat je leert over anderen. Op een hele leuke manier maak je kennis met diverse methoden en technieken. Denise is echt deskundig en laat met allerlei leuke voorbeelden zien dat je veel meer kan waarnemen dan je denkt. Een heel plezierige docente. Ik heb met plezier meegedaan en ga zeker verder met het ontwikkelen van mijn kennis over Body Language.

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