Practice shows that employees often receive the least training on the most impactful part of communication. The vast majority of our communication is non-verbal and determines how the content and the bringer come across. This essential part of communication is at the heart of our interactive science-based training.
We provide customized body language training for companies and organisations, both offline and online.
In this special period when many people are at home and there is less work, there is a lot of time to develop yourself or your employees! Non-verbal communication is a cross-curricular skill that always comes in handy. Because most of our communication is non-verbal and determines how you and your message come across. You can make a difference in any profession. That is why we also provide tailor-made online training courses for various industries and disciplines. This can be in the form of a live training or an on-demand training.
In half an hour of drinking coffee with a potential customer, about 800 non-verbal signals are unconsciously shown. Signals with information about genuine emotions, intentions and personality. If you can read these signals, you quickly gain insight into the experience and needs of your conversation partner. You literally and figuratively read between the lines, which enables you to act proactively, instead of reactively. This allows you to remain in charge of the conversation and you have more control over the results.
How aware are your employees of their body language and its effect?
Research shows that body language and appearance have a much greater effect than we think. Did you know, for example, that the appearance of applicants has more influence on potential employers than the facts on their CV? That doctors are more often sued on the basis of how they communicate non-verbally, than on the basis of their actual actions? And that we can predict whether politicians will be elected based on the body language of politicians?
It is often thought that appearance is a static fact, a matter of ‘you have it or you don’t have it’. But in reality it is mostly a matter of non-verbal communication. In our training we make these apparently elusive concepts such as ‘appearance’ and ‘persuasiveness’ concrete, tangible and above all accessible.
For a tailor-made proposal, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page or call us directly: 020 – 225 92 41.
Communication is essential in almost every profession and every field is ultimately a people business. Developing yourself in the field of non-verbal communication is inherent to increasing EQ and people skills.
Sales and negotiations: increase and accelerate your sales and successfully negotiate, by immediately seeing where the genuine interest and resistance lies among (potential) customers.
HR & recruitment: recognize the true emotions, motivations and character traits in recruitment, job application and mediation interviews. This gives you more control over the situation and the outcome and can reduce the chance of mishires.
Leading, presenting & pitching: communicate more powerfully and confidently and create motivation and commitment more easily.
Mental health and care: being able to identify the core of the problem with clients more quickly, without them having to say everything in words.